
Tor books call for submissions
Tor books call for submissions

tor books call for submissions

She's merely prone to random acts of derring-do, and occasional exhibitions of tomfoolery. "Ash Lenthard doesn't call herself a vigilante. HUNTING, published April 2013 in trade paperback and e-Book formats, was a finalist for the 2013 Aurealis Award for Best Young Adult Novel. 517 pages, with submission letter and plot summary from Hösth to Tor Books senior editor David G. ***Please note, I am on hiatus from Reedsy and Manuscript Academy.Hösth, Andrea. I want to be the most help I can be, and create a partnership both of us enjoy. I'm honest and truthful with my feedback, though (hopefully) kind. To each new manuscript, query, or conversation, I bring over a decade of experience at one of the big-five publishing houses, an in-depth knowledge of storytelling and structure, and a deep and abiding love of books. In my free time, I also offer freelance editing services via Reedsy, and critique phone calls via Manuscript Academy. Please check here or my twitter for updates.*** Editing ***Please note, after closing to submissions from July 2021 to July 2022, I am now open. View my wishlist for more information, or check out the Irene Goodman Literary Agency page. I'm actively looking for new and fresh takes on classic tropes, no matter the genre, as well as non-fiction submissions in the areas of design, cooking, and fashion. I represent middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction across all genres, with an emphasis on historical, science fiction & fantasy, romance, and contemporary fiction. I love to bake (Smitten Kitchen & Half Baked Harvest are my go-to sources), attempt the occasional DIY project, and obsess over design blogs.

tor books call for submissions

After a decade in New York City, I live on a farm outside of Cape Town, South Africa, with my winemaker husband.

tor books call for submissions

You can read more about us here! I’m thrilled to partner with clients whose work I love, and am always searching for new, exciting stories. We focus on providing a full service experience to clients–not just domestic literary sales, but foreign and film as well. IGLA was established over 40 years ago, and represents a wide array of distinguished authors across all genres. I joined Irene Goodman Literary Agency as an agent in January 2018. Before becoming an agent, I worked as an editor at Macmillan for nearly a decade, ending as a senior editor for Tor Teen, Tor, and Forge.

Tor books call for submissions