
Usa resident evil 2 n64 rom
Usa resident evil 2 n64 rom

usa resident evil 2 n64 rom usa resident evil 2 n64 rom

Nintendo consoles will look at the compressed file and just grab the living room pieces every time you need them and then put them back.

usa resident evil 2 n64 rom

That requires the space for the house every time you play the game. They're banking on the idea that you're going to want to look through the entire thing. For the PS game consoles, it essentially unpacks a disc before you start playing- you want to go to a living room? It'll unpack and place everything inside the house for you every time. This is a process you'll see now a lot when you compare PS4 to Switch games- Dragon Quest 11 on PS4 is 30 gb while only 13 GB on Switch, and that's partially because of how the consoles work. Likewise, all of these things have to go to the PS1 hardware to be queued up for your game, which is why RE2 was so smooth loading for it's time compared to THPS or other games.Ĭartridges load infinitely faster than discs- so you can just pull previous levels from the game at warp speed, refer to sprites right off the source and avoid a ton of the loading subroutines that have to go through the console and delete a lot of bloat. This also includes some of the areas that it's possible to revisit. As soon as you make the jump to the second disc in RE2, a large chunk of the first disc has to be rewritten to the second disc- music, textures, gameplay. TL:DW- the game compressed a lot of stuff down- video, audio, textures.īUT something this video also doesn't address is the streamlining process and how it works in terms of loading things- RE2 is also at it's base a technical showcase of the difference between cartridge and disc.

Usa resident evil 2 n64 rom